Bdo Please Login With Your Registered Platform Updated FREE

Bdo Please Login With Your Registered Platform

So I tin't log on website with my steam's BDO account? Then how do I buy Kakao cash?

Pardon I though you were using an onetime BDO account email on new steam BDO one besides.

That is why I deleted my original mail service.

But reason you couldn't register on steam one if you lot had previously already non steam BDO account.

Last edited by 😎Macula😎; 25 May, 2017 @ ix:51am

Well, I accept used new e-mail to register BDO account on steam, then ingame I was looking over store and clicked to charge cash but it gives error. So I have tried apply that e-mail on website, merely I become error I meantioned in first post. I think they failed to add "log via steam" push button such as facebook 1.

But on forum there is a steam button and I managed to log on forum with steam account, just when going dorsum to main website I however have to log in at that place.

T.Canis familiaris

25 May, 2017 @ 11:17am

I'm getting the aforementioned thing, cannot login to business relationship website

Having the verbal same problem. Anyone figure this out notwithstanding? I want to go some guest passes going for a friend of mine D:

Originally posted past Spoopy:

Having the exact same problem. Anyone figure this out yet? I want to become some guest passes going for a friend of mine D:

There are no invitee passes for steam afaik

waaat, actually? That'south depressing. Thanks!
Even so can't figure out how to log into the website though. Not sure this company idea out this procedure completely through..

Originally posted by Spoopy:

waaat, really? That'south depressing. Cheers!
Nevertheless tin't effigy out how to log into the website though. Not sure this company thought out this process completely through..

I would imagine that the process is in.. progress and that they are going to polish the organisation a bit merely that's only a estimate.

Last edited past A-dawg; 25 May, 2017 @ nine:56pm

I'd hope so! First thing i went straight to was looking for these guest passes. Guess i'll but tell them to get a guest laissez passer off the website and i'd have to simply make a char on a non steam server. Thankfully, steam users can brand characters on not steam servers. Least i retrieve then

Wait so steam and website servers are separated?

Game servers are the same for all BDO players with the exception of a few +EXP servers merely available for new players. 4 of those are reserved for new Steam users but people can freely switch between the majority of servers in the same region (EU/NA)

I accept aforementioned problem all the same. I can't login on website, because I don't have countersign and getting error "Please sign in with your registered platform.". What I can do?


22 Jul, 2017 @ x:15am

Verbal same problem..

if i try to log in, i receive this message "Please sign in with your registered platform."
But in that location is no steam login push similar on their forums... i actually promise they will implement that feature in the time to come. Can we get any official data?

Bdo Please Login With Your Registered Platform



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